On October 17th, Dr. Johan Mathew, Assistant Professor of History at Rutgers University gave a talk at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus based on research from his prizewinning book, Margins of the Market: Trafficking and Capitalism Across the Arabian Sea (University of California Press, 2016). The talk, titled “Unveiling Money: Counterfeits, Arbitrage, and Finance across the Arabian Sea,” analyzed the influence trafficking and smuggling had on monetary policies across a region that included Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Dr. Mathew spoke about his sources, explaining to his audience that trafficking creates detailed records of trade. This rich source of records includes contracts and family papers from ‘diasporic archives.’ Dr. Mathew explained how the nature of money was changed by merchant networks, by the multiplicity of them and the instability within them. In his lecture, Dr. Mathew defined ‘capitalism’ as a loose system of analysis that covers free labor, private property, and monetary exchange.
Monthly Archives: October 2018
O’Connell Initiative: “Unveiling Money” with Dr. Johan Mathew
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Drs. Scott Bruce and Richard Gyug discuss ‘shards’ of antiquity in the Middle Ages
On October 9th Dr. Scott Bruce, who recently joined Fordham’s History Department, sat down with Dr. Richard Gyug, Professor Emeritus of History and Medieval Studies, to discuss Dr. Bruce’s forthcoming article in Speculum, titled “The Dark Age of Herodotus: Shards of a Fugitive History in Early Medieval Europe.”
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Teresa Fiore visits from Montclair State University This Wednesday!
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Postcard from Spain… PhD candidate Rachel Podd reports on her research.
We’re happy to hear from Rachel Podd in this postcard she sent about her research in Spain this Summer. Rachel is a Ph.D candidate in the History department and helps lead undergraduates on el Camino de Santiago every spring. This summer she stayed after walking the camino to work on her own research. Rachel writes:
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First O’Connell Initiative Event of the Semester!
WHO: Dr. Johan Mathew, Rutgers University.
WHAT: “Unveiling Money: Counterfeits, Arbitrage, and Finance across the Arabian Sea”, based on Dr. Mathew’s recent book Margins of the Market: Trafficking and Capitalism Across the Arabian Sea (University of California Press, 2016).
WHEN: October 17 at 5:30 pm
WHERE: South Lounge, Lincoln Center Campus
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