Monthly Archives: October 2016

Second O’Connell Lunchtime Seminar: Thursday Nov 3. 12:00-2PM at Fordham Lincoln Center


The first of the three Fall O’Connell lunch seminars was a great success. Faculty and graduate students engaged in a spirited discussion of Rebecca Spang’s Stuff and Money in the Time of the French Revolution and the role money played in creating a gulf between political ideals and daily life. Join us for the second lunch seminar on Thursday, Nov. 3, 12:00pm-2:00pm (LC, 12 th floor, President’s Dining Room) to discuss James R. Fichter’s So Great a Profit: How the East Indies Trade Transformed Anglo-American Capitalism.


A mix of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates discuss Rebecca L. Spang’s book “Stuff and Money in the Time of the French Revolution” at the first O’Connell lunchtime seminar


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Our Alum Dr. Brandon Gauthier to Speak on Modern Perceptions of North Korea, The Korea Society Tuesday October 25, 2016


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Filed under Alumni News, Events, Historical Sites and Museums

Tuesday, October 25: Nicholas Paul on Missing Men in the Age of the Crusades

Join us Tuesday, October 25 in Keating 1st Auditorium, where Fordham History faculty member Nicholas Paul will talk about the twin phenomena of death and disappearance at great distance in the age of the crusades. Dr. Paul’s research into missing crusaders stems from his 2012 book To Follow in their Footsteps: The Crusades and Family Memory in the High Middle Ages, which last year was awarded the John Nicholas Brown Prize by the Medieval Academy of America. Reflecting on the research that he did for the book, Dr. Paul will talk about the larger problem of death and disappearance, especially when soldiers are fighting at very great distances from their homelands, and the implications of these experiences for their own communities. Why do some societies, like United States in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, become consumed by a sense of loss and the urgency of recovery, and what technologies have evolved to combat war’s most insidious consequence: oblivion?


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WEDNESDAY: Dr. Kirsten Swinth Discusses the History of Sexual Assault in America

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Filed under Department Events, Events, Faculty News

Interview with Dr. Asif Siddiqi on the Soviet Space Program

Fordham’s own Dr. Asif Siddiqi recently spoke to New Books Network about his latest monograph, The Red Rockets’ Glare: Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination 1857-1957 (Cambridge University Press, 2013) in which he examines the long history of space travel in Russian culture. Click here to listen to the full interview at the New Books Network website.

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The Dead Come Alive: Ghost Stories at the Rose Hill Jesuit Graveyard October 13 at 6:15PM

screenshot-2016-10-06-18-35-43On Thursday, October 13 at 6:15 a chill will fall over the Fordham Rose Hill campus. Scott G. Bruce, professor of medieval history at the University of Colorado at Boulder will bring us into the shadows with his collection of historical ghost stories. The stories, published in the prestigious Penguin Classics series as The Penguin Book of the Undead: Fifteen Hundred Years of Supernatural Encounters. Bruce will read selections from his spooky collection at 6:15PM between the cemetery and the the university church. A reception at Rodrigue’s Coffee House will follow, where signed copies of the book will be available for purchase. In the case of inclement weather, the event will take place at Rodrigue’s Coffee House.

Ring in the Halloween season with the scariest event ever held at Fordham… Continue reading

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Filed under Department Events, Public History

10/11/16: “Ralph Bunche and the Radical Thirties”

Next Tuesday, Fordham Professor and Malkiel Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Institute Christopher Dietrich will deliver a talk on American diplomat and political scientist Ralph Bunche. See flyer for event details.



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