Monthly Archives: March 2014

History Panels at Fordham Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference

Screenshot 2014-03-31 18.36.52The History Department will be hosting two panels that highlight graduate student research at Fordham GSA’s Inaugural Graduate Conference, Investigating Inequalities. The conference will be hosted at the McGinley Center on April 5th. Registration is free and a preliminary program is onlineContinue reading

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Filed under Department Events, Grad Student News

PhD Student Will Attend Cornell Theory School


PhD Student Christine Kelly

Congratulations to PhD student Christine Kelly on her acceptance to the 2014 summer session of the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University. For six weeks, Christine will be attending seminars covering a wide variety of interdisciplinary, critical, and theoretical topics, including ethics and democracy, urban ecology, post-capitalism, black popular culture, and anthropological, legal, and social theories regarding gift-giving and similar forms of social exchange.  Continue reading

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Filed under Grad Student News, Student Awards

Ben-Atar to lead ISGAP Seminar on Lincoln Center Campus

4-1.3 Doron Ben Atar FlierThe next meeting of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy seminar series “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” will take place on Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus on April 3, 6:30PM. Professor Doron Ben-Atar will lead the seminar on the topic of “Kosherizing the New Antisemitism: Jewish Anti-Zionism.” Continue reading

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Filed under Faculty News

Major Article by Fordham PhD Heidi Febert Published Posthumously in Traditio


Medievalist Heidi Febert, who died in December 2012 shortly after finishing her PhD

A major article based on the doctoral research of Heidi Febert has been published  posthumously by her advisor Wolfgang Mueller in the most recent issue of the Fordham Medieval Studies journal Traditio. Heidi, who was a PhD student at Fordham, died in December 2012. She had recently completed her thesis and was in the first year of work as a faculty member at Saginaw Valley State University.

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Filed under Grad Student News, Publications

Richard Gyug Awarded Bene Merenti Medal

A distinguished club gets a new member. Pictured (l to r): Richard and Mimi Gyug, Roger Wines, Bob and Joanne Himmelberg.

A distinguished club gets a new member. Pictured (l to r): Richard and Mimi Gyug, Roger Wines, Bob and Joanne Himmelberg.

The History Department joins the entire university community in congratulating Professor Richard F. Gyug upon his receipt of the Bene Merenti Medal honoring 20 years of service. The full citation is below… Continue reading

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Filed under Faculty Awards, Faculty News

HSTEM Part 2: Kueny on Medieval Muslim Paternity

HSTEM 2 poster, Kathryn KuenyThe second meeting of this semester’s faculty seminar on the History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine on Tuesday March 11, 5:30PM at the Lowenstein Plaza View Room (12th floor) at the Lincoln Center Campus. HSTEM welcomes Kathryn Kueny of of the Theology Department to discuss here paper entitled: “I Know it When I See It: Dis/Similarity in Medieval Muslim Determinations of Paternity. The discussant will be Daisy Deomampo (Anthropology). Follow the link for more info, including the paper… Continue reading

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Filed under Department Events

Winners of the Loomie Prize

Each year, the History Department recognizes excellence among our graduate students by awarding a prize for the best paper written in a research seminar. The best paper for 2013 was awarded jointly to Hannah Shepard and Louisa Foroughi. We profile their research and the prize winning papers.
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Filed under Grad Student News, Student Awards

Grad Students Take Research on the Road [UPDATE]

PhD student Chris Rose presents his research on the aristocracy of the crusader Near East at the 2014 Crusades Studies Symposium at St. Louis University

PhD student Chris Rose presents his research on the aristocracy of the crusader Near East at the 2014 Crusades Studies Symposium, Saint Louis University

One of the most exciting (and fundamental) aspects of life as a professional historian is the opportunity to showcase research and arguments at academic conferences, symposia and other public fora. It is in these environments that the rubber of archival research, innovative interpretation, and  theoretical development hits the road, and the whole community has a chance to share ideas and knowledge and to ask questions about sources, methods, and the direction of our individual and collective enterprises.

Students in the Fordham History graduate program take full advantage of the opportunity to present their work. Click the link to get a taste of our students’ exciting research, and the distinguished gatherings at which they will be presenting. Continue reading

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Filed under Grad Student News

Phi Alpha Theta Speakers to Discuss American Air Power


Patterns of Flight Narrating Air Power and the American Empire

Take to the skies on Tuesday, March 5, as Phi Alpha Theta welcomes to the Rose Hill campus Jenifer Van Vleck of Yale University and Brendan Koerner of Wired Magazine. Their discussion, moderated by Christopher Dietrich, will take place from 1-2:15PM in the Flom Auditorium of Walsh Library. Continue reading

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Filed under Department Events, Phi Alpha Theta