Fordham University is excited to welcome Dr. Marc Herman as the first joint Rabin-Shvidler Post-doctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies at Fordham and Columbia. Dr. Herman received his PhD in 2016 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he wrote his dissertation on rabbinic jurisprudence in the medieval Islamic world. His presence will add new dimensions to the teaching of the medieval period in Jewish history, to comparative legal studies, and the intersection of Jewish life and Islamic jurisprudence. At Fordham he teaches the courses “Ancient and Medieval Jewish History” and “Islam and Judaism: Law and Religion.”
The fellowship and awards are made possible by the Stanley A. and Barbara
B. Rabin Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund at Columbia University and the Eugene Shvidler Gift Fund at Fordham University.
Congratulations as well to Dr. Ofer Dynes (Ph.D., Harvard University) and Dr. Allyson Gonzalez (Ph.D., Brandeis University) both received the Columbia-Fordham Emerging Voices in Jewish Studies Award, and will participate in a lecture series by the same name. Details for each lecture by these three scholars can be found below.
Fall Lectures
Dr. Ofer Dynes, “Arresting Tales: Law and Morality in Modern Jewish Literature” with response by Anne Golomb Hoffman (Professor of English, Fordham University) and Ian Weinstein (Professor of Law, Fordham University)
Thursday, October 26, 2017 | 6:30 p.m. | 12th Floor Lounge | Lowenstein Center | Lincoln Center Campus | Fordham University | 113 West 60th Street | New York City
For more information and RSVP, click here.
Spring Lectures
Dr. Marc Herman, “Legal Theory and Revelation: Jewish Law in an Islamic Milieu”
Thursday, February 15, 2018 | 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Allyson Gonzalez, “Scholarship, Belonging, and the Politics of A.S. Yahuda’s Forgotten Scholarship”
Thursday, April 26, 2018 | 6:00 p.m.
For more information on these and other upcoming Jewish Studies events, click here.