Tag Archives: Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

Fall Courses: Crusader States (Paul)


Fall 2015 will see the return of HIST 6078: Crusader States: The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1099-1291 Professor Nicholas Paul’s class charts the social, political, and cultural history of the feudal principalities that were established by Latin Christians in the Eastern Mediterranean in the wake of the First Crusade. Students will be introduced to the narrative and documentary sources through which the history of the Latin Kingdom has been constructed, as well as the archaeology and art of the Levant during the period of Frankish occupation and settlement. In addition, we will engage with the major historiographical debates concerning the constitutional organization of the Latin kingdom, the relationship between the Frankish crusaders and the Muslim and eastern Christian populations over whom they ruled, and the “colonial” character of the Latin settlements. For more information about the course, read on…  Continue reading

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